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LIPMC Guidelines By John Colón in Long Island Psychic Medium Circle This Site is NOT Affiliated with Theresa Caputo... We are a group of gifted individuals on a path of higher learning- being teacher and students for each other. If you choose to try and develop your own gift - you may realize you can do the same thing- to help yourselves along during your hardest days and believe that there is so much to you and all there is........ This is a healing site - some may use words to help you connect with those who have crossed- some may even show you how your loved ones "new" light body feels- it is all to help you connect for yourselves... Our goal is to help to lead those on a journey of self discovery by supporting each others inherent gifts. Whether you are a natural born medium or healer, if you have a deep spiritual connection or have taken classes and have questions on how best to connect. Each person has their own belief structure and all are welcome here. All we ask is that you are good at heart, respect others views even if they do not fit your own. Lead by example or even learn by example. Every person connects differently to what gifts they have. You could have a deep connection to God, the earth, animals, people or even spirit that has crossed over. We are not professional instructors. We hope to learn and grow from each others experience and make it a truth for ourselves for ultimately we alone know our path but sometimes forget it. As long as your intent is pure of heart - you are welcome here. ( just leave your ego at the door). If you are requesting a reading- please post in your request the type of reading. For example - mediumship which we can try and connect with the crossed over people in spirit. There is No guarantee that we will connect to the one specifically you are looking for- however, if in your mind or out loud - you can ask them to be present and help facilitate that connection. We only ask for validations to help us focus a little more on the energy if we are connecting with someone you recognize. General reading which can be some cards pulled for your immediate past, present and future. This type if reading is just interpretation of cards or feelings that are pulled with your energy in mind. They are just general guidance ideas and only you will know if they make sense to you or not. It is a means to help you find your own solutions and empowerment. Can things change from a reading?- absolutely- but you are the one responsible for the change. Healing requests- you may ask for prayers and healing for your well being. If you are struggling and need an emotional support - just ask. If you have a question about a topic or just a different perception on something posted on the group page - by all means say it but be respectful of others views as they might not fit your own. It is however a teaching place and your views may help someone else. Please remember that everyone here is just like you - worldly obligations to family and jobs come first- anything done here is of a persons own free will and for a lack of response to your request has no bearing on you not being important. We do not charge anything but your participation is needed to help those that reach out for you - it is a slow process to understand spirit and sometimes it take a little while for the vibrational compatibility to happen. You may gently remind the posting if it does not get read. Sometimes a reading may be personal and the Admin team reserves the right to pull it into a private setting. Various age groups are here and it is to help safeguard and respect all people that grace these pages. There is also NO Soliciting of personal business or agendas. If there is an issue with members acting inappropriately- contact one of the Admins or Moderators. By joining this group you are agreeing to the terms below: Our Disclaimer for legal purposes only: The Long Island Psychic Medium Circle and its services are not to be used in place of any professional, medical, financial, or legal counseling you would ordinarily seek for professional advice. This group or any of its members are not responsible for any decisions you make as a result of our services. Your consultation is subject to your own personal interpretation. The LIPMC is not legally responsible for its member’s actions. For legal reasons, this is for entertainment purposes only. Due to Facebook and internet chat groups, we are unable to verify the age of people requesting to join for discussions and guidance. If you are under the age of 18 - we kindly ask for you to have parental consent to interact as a participant. We encourage parents of psychically gifted children the opportunity to ask questions and be a supporter of their children in this matter. Parents may join to understand how we as adults dealt with growing up as psychic children so they may understand and how best they can help monitor your development. This group will provide yourself a safe place to explore your psychic gifts- be we can not be responsible for actions taken by you through your development. There is an ethical and moral code that must be adhered to as these gifts are to be used for the benefit of good for yourself and others. By seeking membership to this group or seeking guidance, you are agreeing to the terms above.